nuevoMailer SB v.10.1

Technical & system requirements

Software requirements

Product Versions PHP versions
nuevoMailer SB/MB v.9.9 & v.10+ 8.1 or later
nuevoMailer WP v.9.9 - v.10 7.2 - 8.3*
nuevoMailer SB/MB/WP v.9.7 - v.9.8 7.2 - 8.2
nuevoMailer SB/MB v.9.5 - v.9.6 7.2 - 8.1
v.9.0 7.1 - 8.1
  v.8.7 7.1 - 8.0
  v.8.6 5.4 - 8.0
  v.8.5 5.4 - 7.4
nuevoMailer ESP v.4+ 8.1 or later
v.3.7 7.2 - 8.2
v.3.6 7.2 - 8.1
  v.3.5 7.1 - 8.1
  v.3 5.4 - 7.4
  • * Only for nuevoMailer WP & PHP 8.2 and in case you want to use Amazon SES or MailGun APIs please contact us in order to supply you with updated libraries.
  • Using the SendGrid api requires at least PHP 7.4
  • For all, MySQL 5.2 or later (7.x or later recommended) . MariaDB is also fine. InnoDB support in both cases is required. Nowadays this is standard.
  • Linux or Windows hosting and more. You can use nuevoMailer on any web server with PHP and mySQL. This includes Linux servers, any Windows with IIS or Apache and PHP, Mac OS with Apache etc. NGINX is also fine.
  • Suitable for shared and dedicated hosting (Cloud servers, VPS and other variants).

PHP extensions required

  • Nothing special (e.g. mbstring, imap, openssl, intl, curl). All these are included by default in PHP. During the installation of nuevoMailer you will be alerted if an extension is not enabled (so you can edit your php.ini to enable it or do it through your Host's control panel).

Hardware requirements

  • Disk space
    nuevoMailer program files are about 50MB. But it is your database that determines the disk space you will need.
    Database size depends on the number of subscribers you have, the frequency of your campaigns and the related traffic from your campaigns (views, clicks, opt-ins etc).
    Normally, average users need just some extra MBs (5-100). You really need to be a very heavy sender with millions of subscribers and millions of daily sends in order to reach a database of more than 2 GBs.
  • Server processing power and RAM
    Similarly to above it depends on your needs. The following are indicative. You can start low and increase resources if/when needed.
    Low volume senders at shared hosting (with a few thousands of subscribers sending a few campaigns per week or using autoresponders) will be fine with their existing plan and there is no need to inquire about CPUs and RAM.
    For average senders 2-6GB RAM, 1-4 vCPU are recommended.
    Heavy senders with dozens of daily campaigns involving millions of subscribers and especially if they use the multi-threaded sending plugin should be looking at 8GB RAM or higher and more CPUs.

Cron & scheduling

  • Linux servers
    For automation as well as some very specific features (like autoresponders) you need access to the cron feature of Linux servers (and other flavors of Unix-like operating systems like Mac OS X).
    If you are in shared hosting check whether you have cron access to create cron jobs. Practically every Host offers this. Normally both cPanel, hPanel, Plesk etc offer cron or a similar scheduling option.
  • Windows shared hosting
    Hosting companies usually offer cron-like scheduling utilities that you can use. They are usually found in the control panel your Host provides. In Plesk for example it is called "Scheduled tasks".
  • Windows dedicated hosting
    you can use the native "Task scheduler" for which we will provide you setup instructions. It does the job 100% fine.
Have questions? Contact us.
Linux servers
Works with mySQL database
Works with mariaDB database
Windows servers
Windows with SQL Server?
For a native Windows server mailing list manager running on SQL Server and MS Access have a look at Newsletter Manager Pro.
nuevoMailer SB v.10.1
USD 139.00 179.00 € £

See also,

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